Demand skyrocketed and stuart found himself overwhelmed with orders and not enough hours in the day to keep up or have time with family all while working a full time job and another part time job.
Blue light tactical vacuum former.
Blue light tactical vacuum former.
Blue light tactical then suddenly found itself in the vacuum.
Blue light tactical then suddenly found itself in the vacuum former business.
Learn how to build your own professional vacuum former to make kydex holsters knife sheaths and other tactical stuff.
Works with membrane or without membrane using the optional direct forming kit.
5 out of 5 599 00.
The silicone sheeting for the top of the vacuum table is purchased from blue light tactical.
Stuart the owner of blue light tacti.
Other holster makers quickly began referring to blue light tactical as blt.
The thermapress vf 1 is the most versatile and most advanced bench top vacuum former press ever built.